Monday, June 25, 2007

Memoir for Gadiza

This memoir is the collection of poets, songs, and rhymes, specially presented for Gadiza Fauzi, my beloved and most favorite anchor.

The Fifth of December

Remember, remember, The Fifth of December
A Creature was Born, so beauty and Plot
I can see no reason why she must to forgot...

Remember, Remember, The Fifth of December
When candle lit and all the tart we eat
We can't stand from our seat by the time she read

Remember, Remember, The Fifth of December
For no man can't get what she doesn't let
And sun will set in the eye of a cat

Remember, remember, The Fifth of December
As the mousy smile and finger of no ring
And we wait for a while for a news she sing...

Why should we remember The Fifth of December?
Is it a day of Memories or just line of number?
Why should a birthday be petrified in the glimpse of mind?
Simply because of the girl that will not be mine?

For a girl born in the Fifth of December
Gadiza is his name, should we remember
The almond eyes in the tiny face of laughter
Skin so white like a snow freezes the summer

Gadiza is her name, so childful and warm
Her voice are firm, so soft and calm
Like a breezing wind flowing on realm
And seagulls flies above the rattling palm.

Gadiza, Gadiza, please smile don't shy
Cause you mousy smile made Edain fly
Smile and let your worry away
And today we sang you: "Happy Birthday".

(Andrade: This poem is for Gadiza's Birthday).

Gadiza is my favorite and most beloved anchor. And I think I'm willing to trade the world just for a chance to be near her. However, for this momment, this is all that I can do...

(Originated from the Song of The Corrs at Home)

Black is the colour of my true loves hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She has the sweetest smile and the gentlest hands
And I love the ground whereon she stands

I love my love and well she knows
I love the ground whereon she goes
I wish that day would soon come
When she and I can be as one

I go to the Clyde and I mourn and weep
For satisfied I never sleep
I write him letters just a few short lines
And I suffer death ten thousand times

Black is the colour of my true loves hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She has the sweetest smile and the gentlest hands
And I love the ground whereon she stands
I love the ground whereon she stands

I love I love I love the ground whereon she stands

(Andrade: This songs is re-written specially to Gadiza)
Was it wrong to present somethings to one we adore most? Yes? Then I'm ready to make the biggest mistake in my life. Till the mountains and hills wears away, and all I can do is just sit here and watch you sing the news from the glass screen.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Meutya Hafid -The Lady of The Ring-

Berikut adalah hasil penyelidikan saya selama berhari-hari mengenai misteri cincin yang dipakai oleh Meutya Hafid. Courtessy to all Forum Members yang telah membantu saya menjalankan penyelidikan ini, meskipun hanya dari balik layar kaca.
If you're trully a die hard fans of Meutya Hafid, please exit this Blog at once, for some of the contents in this Blog perhaps irritating in your point-of-view. Should you decide to continue, chill out, and keep reading till the last word!


File: 06-05-2007 by. Aschu

Sudah dua kali (Jum'at dan senin kemaren yang berarti sudah dapat di ambil kesimpulan) ada sesuatu yang baru di jari manis kanan Meutya Hafid.

(Ini untuk pertama kalinya cincin itu terlihat)

File: 06-09-2007 by. Andrade

Omong-omong soal Meutya Hafid, ada yang liat n mungkin notice cara dia pake cincin nggak?

Jadi, pada saat MHI ama Headline News jam 07:00 malem, Mut2 pake cincin di jari manis kanan.Kemudian, saat Headline News jam 08:00 malem, kali ini cincinnya pindah di jari manis tangan kiri.Nah, yang agak aneh lagi adalah pada saat Top9 News, cincinnya pindah lagi ke tangan kanan, tapi kali ini di jari tengah.

So, iseng2 saya tanya sama temen saya perihal arti daripada pemakaian cincin, dan dia menjawab seperti ini:Cincin di jari manis tangan kanan itu artinya cincin kawin (wedding ring),Cincin di jari manis tangan kiri itu artinya cincin ikatan (engagement ring),Sedangkan apabila cincin ditaruh bukan di jari manis (misalkan saja dalam kasus ini berarti di jari tengah) maka itu tidak berarti apa-apa, alias cuman sekedar cincin biasa.

Oleh karena itu, teman saya tersebut tidak pernah memakai cincin di jari manis, kecuali apabila cincin tersebut benar-benar meaningful banget buat dia. Misalkan aja dikasi cincin ama cowoknya (artinya sama aja dilamar, ya?)So, itulah yang membuat saya agak bingung, soalnya begini:

1. Urutan perubahan cincin tersebut kalau diurutkan menjadi seperti ini marriage==>engagement==>totally meaningless. Padahal yang seharusnya kan meaningless==>engagement==>marriage, kan?

2. Perubahan tersebut hanya berlangsung dalam tempo yang singkat (cuma 2 jam saja).3. Sebelumnya Mut2 selalu memakai cincin di jari manis tangan kanan, dan tidak pernah diganti-ganti. Hal yang sama dilakukan juga oleh anchor MetroTV yang sudah kawin lainnya seperti Kania Sutisnawinata atau Najwa Shihab. Perkecualian adalah Eva Julianti (cincin tangan kiri) dan Frida Lidwina (tanpa cincin).

So, dengan terlebih dahulu memohon maaf kepada orang yang bersangkutan, maka saya ada beberapa teori seperti ini:

1. Mut2 tidak tahu (atau tidak peduli) mengenai urutan cincin itu, dan menganggap bahwa "a ring is just a ring".

Sangkalan: Selama ini Mut2 selalu memakai cincinnya di tangan kanan dan tak pernah berubah, lalu pada hari ini perubahannya cukup cepat, sehingga hampir tak mungkin jika hanya sekedar "iseng" belaka.

2. Ada kekacauan mengenai pemakaian kembali cincin tersebut apabila dikaitkan dengan perubahan pakaian (outfit).

Pendukung: Mut2 memakai baju yang berbeda saat di MHI dan di Top9.S

Sangkalan: Baju MHI dan HN jam 7 tidak berbeda dengan baju HN jam 8, tapi saat itu juga cincin sudah berpindah, jadi tidak mungkin dia kacau memakai cincin. Apalagi cincin ikatan biasanya tidak pernah dilepas kecuali untuk mandi saja.

3. Mungkin jari manis kanannya sakit, sehingga cincin itu sengaja dipindah.

Sangkalan: Dugaan ini betul pada kasus pertama (dari tangan kanan ke kiri), tapi menjadi mentah kembali di kasus kedua. Apabila memang benar begitu, bisa juga kan menetapkan dahulu cincin itu di tangan kiri daripada dipindah ke jari tengah yang malah membuatnya tidak berarti? Lagipula, jarang sekali ada kasus jari bisa mendadak sakit hanya dalam tempo 2 jam kecuali kalau (seperti di film2 kartun) tiba2 ukurannya membesar dalam tempo yang sangat singkat itu.

4. Terjadi perubahan status dalam pernikahan (atau rencana pernikahan) Mut2.

Sangkalan: Urutannya terbalik, mungkin saja apabila progresif, masih bisa masuk akal, akan tetapi saat ini, perubahannya malah justru menuju ke wilayah negatif. Lagipula perubahannya terlalu cepat.

5. Terjadi tragedi, berkaitan dengan pernikahan/rencana pernikahan Mut2.

Pendukung: Mulai sejak HN jam 8, Mut2 terlihat "tidak bersemangat" dan wajahnya pun seolah ceria yang dipaksakan. Pada Top9, suaranya agak serak, sehingga saya mengasumsikan dia baru saja menangis.

6. Iseng saja....

Sangkalan: masa sih, Mut2 iseng dengan sesuatu yang cukup sakral?

Oleh karena itu, kita lihat saja bagaimana besok hari senin. Ada beberapa kemungkinan yang terjadi:

1. Misal cincin tersebut masih tetap di jari manis tangan kanan, berarti dugaan 1, 2, dan 3 benar. Dugaan ke-4 juga bisa benar, tapi kalau begitu berarti Mut2 dan fiancee-nya sudah berhasil menyelesaikan masalahnya.

2. Cincin tetap di tangan kiri, berarti dugaan 1, 3, dan 4 benar. Tapi kemungkinan bila terjadi permasalahan, mungkin tidak terlalu serius, dan paling banter hanya menunda pernikahan.

3. Cincin tidak ada di tempatnya. Selain daripada kemungkinan no. 6 benar, kemungkinan no. 4 juga benar, tapi itu berarti bisa jadi Mut2 "dumped" atau "dumped by" her fiancee. Kasian, ya?

4. Cincin masih dipakai tetapi tidak di jari manis. Selain dari no 1, 3, dan 6, ini bisa berarti kemungkinan no. 5 benar, dan terjadi "tragedi" yang bersifat alami.

(Hipotesa pertama saya sekaligus tentang perubahan fase cincin)

File 06-11-2007 by. Andrade

And, closing statement from me.

Ternyata Mut2 menggunakan cincinnya kembali, tapi kali ini di tangan kiri.

Ini artinya kemungkinan Mut2 tidak mendapatkan masalah apapun dengan pernikahannya.Terlepas dari semua itu, maka izinkanlah saya untuk menyampaikan hipotesis penutup saya atas fenomena ini.

Dari hasil penerawangan saya berhari-hari, maka saya menduga kronologis yang terjadi pada Meutya Hafid saat itu mungkin seperti ini:

Dugaan 1:Pada antara jam 07:00, Mut2 mungkin mendapatkan kabar mengenai ditundanya pernikahan (atau ada sesuatu hal yang intinya menunda pernikahan), oleh karena itu dia mengganti cincinnya ke tangan kiri. Mungkin akibat jengkel atau emosi (saya duga terjadi pertengkaran kecil saat itu) maka Mut2 lalu menggantinya di jari tengah tangan kanan.

Dugaan 2:Mungkin saja Mut2 masih tunangan sebenarnya, cuman dia memakainya di tangan kanan. Mungkin juga Mut2 tidak begitu paham mengenai penempatan cincin yang baikdan benar. Pada jam 07:00 itu, ada yang memberitahunya mengenai posisi cincin yang salah dan Mut2 menggantinya. Lalu mungkin dia memberitahukan kepada cowoknya bahwa posisi cincinnya salah, tapi si cowok tidak terima, sehingga terjadi pertengkaran, dan dalam keadaan jengkel, Mut2 memasang cincinnya salah di jari tengah. (Intinya pokoknya terjadi pertengkaran saat itu).

Dugaan 3:Sebab lain yang hanya Mut2 dan cowoknya saja yang tahu....


File: 06-13-2007 by. Andrade

Btw, ada yang aneh lagi dari Meutya Hafid kemarin.Pas di Top9 News, cincinnya dipasang di kanan, tapi setengah jam kemudia, di Today's Dialogue, udah pindah ke kiri.Aduh, Mbak Mut2, yang konsisten dong! Masa cincin dipakainya berubah-rubah??Itu kan cincin ikatan, bukan cincin sembarang cincin. "The One Ring" gitu lho!

Oke, sekarang ini hipotesa berikutnya, sudah semakin mengerucut nih:

Hipotesa Positif:

Meutya Hafid tidak menganggap bahwa penempatan cincin adalah sebuah hal yang signifikan. Baginya, mungkin a ring is just a symbol, biarpun itu adalah "The One Ring" itu sendiri. Baginya, mungkin yang paling penting adalah pernikahannya, so anywhere the ring must be is fine bagi dia.
Ini diperkuat dengan fakta bahwa perubahan posisi cincin itu sendiri sudah cukup konsisten, yaitu di Top9 News dan MHI cincin ada di kanan, sedangkan hanya di Today's Dialogue saja cincin itu pindah ke kiri. Oleh karena itu, penganut azas positif bisa saja menganggap bahwa penempatan cincin di jari tengah tempo hari adalah sebagai sebuah kekhilafan semata.

Hipotesa Negatif:

(Warning: This is the bad opinion; skip it if you like)

Cincin itu sudah tidak berarti apa-apa lagi bagi Mut2, dan hanya sekedar sebagai a bling-bling in the finger. Oleh karena itu, patut dipertanyakan pula bagaimana sebenarnya Mut2 memandang pernikahannya? Apakah mungkin baginya pernikahan ini hanyalah sebagai "sesuatu hal wajar" saja, dan bukannya sebuah kejadian yang amat sakral? Atau malah sebagai "sebuah permainan"?

Besar kemungkinan pula Mut2 sengaja mempermainkan cincin yang ada di tangannya, entah untuk alasan apa. Mungkin untuk mengejek calon suaminya? Atau malah mungkin sebagai posisi tawar, jadi Mut2 sengaja jual mahal supaya banyak cowok lain yang penasaran dengannya. Aku lalu jadi ingat dengan tokoh Chieko di Babel, apa mungkin Mut2 membuatnya seperti itu? Apakah seperti Chieko yang rela memperlihatkan kemaluannya sendiri hanya untuk mengejek laki-laki yang menganggapnya sebagai "monster"? Atau mungkin persoalannya lebih kompleks daripada itu? Kalau benar, maka hanya Tuhan yang tahu cewek seperti apakah Mut2 itu sebenarnya.

Kemungkinan lain adalah Mut2 sengaja ingin membuat saya bingung; ini apabila teori saya mengenai Usurper yang ada di forum itu benar adanya...Lalu, apa yang ia cari dari sana? Apakah ini lalu berarti Mut2 tengah mempermainkan kita semua? Atau sebenarnya dia tengah mengirimkan sebuah sinyal S.O.S, ingin agar seseorang datang dan "menyelamatkannya" dari sebuah kepalsuan?

Mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya, akan tetapi sebagai seorang analis, maka saya harus memberikan analisa dengan memperhitungkan segala kemungkinan.

Saudari Mut2, jika anda membaca post ini, saya minta maaf, dan mohon segera dikonfirmasi.

"The Battle of Helm's Deep is over, The Battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin"


Berikut semoga adalah kesimpulan final, karena saya betul-betul tak ingin memperpanjang kasus ini.


Anchor yang memakai cincin di kanan: Najwa Shihab, Kania Sutisnawinata, Rahma Sarita.

Anchor yang memakai cincin di kiri: Eva Julianti Yunizar, Virgie Baker, Fifi Aleyda Yahya.

Kemungkinan ada dua versi mengenai penempatan cincin di tangan kanan atau di tangan kiri, dan besar pula kemungkinan Mut2 terjebak dalam sebuah kebingungan mengenai kedua versi ini. Oleh karena itu, mungkin dia mengganti-ganti posisi cincinnya, mencari apakah ada versi yang benar-benar pas untuk dia. Jika teori Usurper itu benar, maka Mut2 tengah mencari konfirmasi dari para warga Forum untuk hal ini.

Sekarang cincin itu sudah mapan di tangan kanan, berarti apapun itu, maka Mut2 sudah amat sangat mantap untuk melangkah ke jenjang selanjutnya bersama dengan pria yang dia cintai dan oleh karena itu, meskipun hal ini membuat semua orang patah hati, adalah wajib bagi kita untuk mendukungnya dan mendoakannya supaya dia bahagia selalu. Selamat menempuh hidup baru untuk anda, Meutya, semoga anda selalu bahagia dengan jalan yang anda pilih ini. Amin.

Dugaan: Mungkin Meutya Hafid sudah menikah. Akhir pekan lalu Mut2 tidak masuk dua hari, mungkin itulah sebenarnya saat pernikahannya. Kalau benar, semoga anda berbahagia.

Akan tetapi:

Apabila teori Usurper dan sinyal S.O.S itu benar,...lalu, apakah ada yang menjawab sinyal itu? Bagaimana kalau ternyata itu adalah benar-benar sinyal S.O.S? Dan kini, karena tidak ada yang meresponnya, maka Mut2 pun akhirnya terpaksa "tenggelam". Lalu...bagaimana nasib sebenarnya? Meutya, apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?

"Behold, Isildur's Bane..."

Presented by: Andrade_Silva Mandaluniz Aizkarate

The China Discussion part III: The Way We Say

Note: "Yinhua" was so rarely been used, so feel free if you don't want to use it. Beside, nobody will know the meaning anyway. Okay, the final part is here:

Review on Ancient Chinese History:

As we know, the 'China' is only the way the outsider call the country which by the settler called as 'Zhong Guo'. It is unclear when do the first times Chinese call their land as 'Zhong Guo', perhaps at the time when Qin unified the nation, since the Qin Capital of Xian Yang lies in the heart of Chinese Mainland. Although, we can also refer that this terms was firstly used at The Han Dynasty, that is because so colossal the land occupied by Han that they call their country as "Zhong Guo" or "The Central Nation" or this can be refered as "The Central Nation of The World", just as the same when Spanish started their "Conquistador", they also consider Spain as "Center of The World".

Han is the first dynasty when Chinese Cultural Influence stretched to international world, but mostly to the west. During this time, the Persian knows the magnificent of Silk and Ceramic ware carried by the Han. Even Greeks and Romans are amazed to The Magnificence of Han Dynasty. To the east, Chinese Culture spread to Koguryo Peninsula and Islands known as "The Islands of Rising Sun" (It is named that way because The Island lies in the eastest border and nothing else but Sea beyond it), and to the south, to The Kingdom of Nanyue, Tonkin, and Annam (Now part of Viet Nam).

However, the contact between Western Culture (Greeks and Romans) with the Eastern Culture (Han) was indirect. Romans bought Chinese ware from Persia and vice versa, that's why no one in Romans knows exactly how magnificent the Han Empire is. This due to the harsh and savage condition of The Silk Road passed The Desert of Taklamakan, so only brave traders who willing enough to do trading from Han to Kashgar. This is why Westerner always call "Han" as "China", because too little information known about it. Soon after that, The Silk Road was closed for centuries, separating China and West once again.

Chinese use 'Zhong Guo' to call their nation and 'Zhong Hua' for their nationality, but to call their governmental, they always use the name of the rulling dynasty, such as "The Empire of Han", "The Empire of Tang", "The Empire of Song", and "The Empire of Ming". So it's like the people of "Nusantara" call their nation as "Republik Indonesia". And China was used later on, when the western trader once again visited China; but for the time being the western historian always said that "There is a Magnificent Empire on The East named China", but no one ever visited that until Marco Polo.

The Ming Exploration:

The Ming Empire is the first empire when China first developed their Naval Strength. This attempt was firstly tried by Kublai Khan in order to invade Japan, but "Kamikaze" destroyed most of the Mongolian Fleet. The most epic voyage of Ming Dynasty is the Voyage of Zheng He, in order to survey the land, previously unreachable by land route, to forge alliance with distances countries, and to forge Ming Domination over seas. The Ming Armada was called "The Treasure Fleet" or "The Golden Fleet", that's why the new trade route also be called as "The Golden Route". So, basically, the land visited by Zheng He is then under the protection and administration of Ming Empire. That's why I said that Indonesia was once ever been colonized by The Ming Dynasty. Unlike any other people, the Chinese use nationality systems we now known as "Ius Sanguin". It means, any Chinese anywhere in the world is related and binded with the law of The Ming Empire, so that if supposed to be I'm Chinese and I do criminal things here, then Chinese Law Enforcer will arrest me and carry me to Beijing, and the Punishment will be sentenced by the Emperor himself. And, it supposed to be still applied...TILL NOW!

The Western Influence:

It is clear that the terms China was firstly introduced by Westernese. This can be globally used at the time of Old Imperialism. Spain, Portugal, English, France, Germany, and The Netherland were among the first nations decide to explore the ocean in order to gain colonial expansion. This vast area of Western Colonies perhaps encourage why then the terms 'China' used globally.

The Linguistically Review II:

Alright then, enough with the historical review, or I will started to blabbering too far.

The 'China' terms come from 'Qin'. Perhaps a Latin Historian write this as 'Chino' or 'Sino' or 'China' (pronounced as Cina, not Caina). It is the English who said this as 'Caina'. And since the English Language is The Language of The World, then it become the 'internationaly used' terms. It will perhaps be different if France win The Napoleonic War, for French said 'Chine' (Tjin). The influence of French perhaps absorbed into the Dutch that Dutch called 'Chine'. This what we absorbed as 'China' then 'Cina'.

The usage of 'C' to replace 'Ch' is because Indonesian Writing Language was actually based on Javanese (Aha, we know that Indonesian Oral Language based on Malay; but the writing was based on Javanese Character). Javanese Writings knows only few and much simpler consonants: H(vocal), N, C, R, K, D, T, S, W, L, P, Dh, J, Y, Ny, M, G, B, Th, Ng. And any improved consonants also based on these. Since Dutch said 'Chine' the closest pronounce in Javanese was 'Cina', this is what supposed to be the official term in Indonesian. However, this 'innocent word' has become the victim of political cruelty.

Language Reform:

'Tiong Hwa' was based on 'Zhong Hua', this perhaps the Hokkienese Accent or simply Indonesian absorbsion on the Chinese word. Which is actually means "Something of China". This term is widely use to call the Indonesian-Chinese, I think it's simply because Chinese firstly introduce themselves as 'Tionghwan People', and for them saying "Tiong Hoa" is one of the self pride, since it refer them to their Magnificent Empire and Their Ancestral History. While "Tiong Kok" or "Zhong Guo" should only be used to call the China Mainland, and no other. The term of Tiongkok used by Old Order based on the actual name of People Republic of China: Zhonghua Renmin Gongghe Guo, and also be known as Zhong Guo. That's why, if refering to the original names, we should call Tiongkok, and not China. Even Taiwan calls themselves Zhongmin Zhonghua Mir Guo, which can also be short as Zhong Guo too. The Beijing doesn't mind this name (Tiongkok) since they never consider Taiwan as independent state, and should be considered as 'part of Chinese Mainland', but Beijing mind the "Republic of China" terms.

At 1976, Chinese Government issues a series of new Chinese pronunciations which meant to ease the pronounciation of Chinese Names and Terms. It changes a lot of Chinese names to suit the International Terms, even South China Sea was called as "Nan Hai". Chinese however, still use the name China because this is the name that internationally acknowledge. In reality, Chinese use these terms instead: "Zhong Guo" for China, "Zhong Hua" for Chinese, "Han-zi" for Chinese Characters, "Han-yu" or "Hua-yu" for Chinese Language, and "Han-ren" for Chinese People.

So, the conclusion is this way:

Cina is the official name in bahasa Indonesia. This term can refer either to nation, people, language, nationality, race, etc.

China is official name in international use. However, this can only be applied to call the name of the country. For other, we must use Chinese.

Tionghoa is the name now refered to call the Chinese. Though it's mainly used for most aspect, we shall never use this to address the country, we use Tiongkok instead.

But for a daily conversation, it is okay to use the word Cina, since I believe that most of Tionghoan doesn't mind that, unless if we use the name to insult them. And of course, the person you asked to talk is doesn't mind either.

Note: It's okay to use the term 'Tionghoa' due to the "Ius Sanguinis" system, so that all Chinese, born in anywhere in the world is still connected to Tiongkok. Beside, like I mentioned before, there is a somekind of pride to say 'Tionghoa'.

The China Discussion part II: The Origin of Things

So....Hehehe, hopefully you're not boring. But it surely can be columned as one article about this topic.

The Qin Reunification:

At the twilite of Zhou Dinasty, China was divided into 6 kingdoms, and each has their own language, writing style, letters, measurement, and cultural identity. The Qin Kingdoms, lead by Yin Zeng, was deliberate a campaign to unified the entire nation by conquering all other 8 kingdoms. After he succeeded, Yin Zeng then crowned as "Emperor" and entitled by Qin She Huang Di. After Qin unified the "geographical" nations, Qin also unifying all the identitical aspect, including measurement, language, and letters. So what does the Qin use as unification standard? Of course the language used in Qin, so the entire nation was forced to unified under Qin Language, Qin Letters, Qin Measurement, and Qin Culture. So this is why the Mandarin Letters we know nowadays, was also known as 'China Letters', simply because this is "The Letters of Qin", alphabetical used in The Kingdom of Qin. This writing language is perhaps the origin why the Westerner address the 'Qin Alphabet User' as 'China'.

The Han Establishment:

The Qin last for 200 years, before then succeeded by Han. The result of the forced and repressive unification of Qin, China trully unified under one identity. Now, Han is also the name of one of the Zhou's vassal, but it's simply different. The Oppression upheld by Qin simply suppress all the rebelion and ease way for the Qin Culture to assimilate in all Chinese living aspects. That's why, Han inherited the Cultural Unity from the Qin, and surely build their empire under this base. The Han Dynasty was the greatest periods of China, that people of China nowadays still called themselves: "The People of Han". It is Han who then developed this Qin unified cultured into one powerful identity for the empire. However, the alphabetical used was still called as "Qin Alphabet", because Han never "developed" particular Hannic alphabet and simply taking it from the previously Unified Alphabet.

The Silk Road:

Han opened the trade line between China and Western Nation. At first, the 13 years expeditions led by Zhang Qian was meant to contact the chieftain of Dayuezhi Tribe to make an alliance with Han Empire to defeat Xiong Nu at the northern border. After the next 10 years of war to get rid of Xiong Nu from the northern border of Han, Han Empire then stretch the Great Wall to the west, and forging alliance with the Western Tribe such as Wusun, Daiyuan, and Dayuezhi. The road, previously taken by Zhang Qian then be upgraded into a trade route from Chang'an into the western city of Kashgar, across the harsh desert of Taklamakan. Kashgar is the outer gate that separate Western World with Eastern World. Through the establishment of Silk Road, the Qin Alphabet then known by Westerner.

The commodities traded are Ceramics and Silks. It is perhaps one of the Western trader, brought a ceramic to the West (there's always stamp on Chinese Ceramics, rite?), then another trader, seeing the unfamiliar mark then asked: "What is this strange symbols?"Then the sellers answered: "Oh, It's a Qin". Perhaps the different languages and dialects used in the Western world at that time transform "Qin" into "China", that's why the Ceramic also addressed as 'China'. And 'Qin', the origin of the Ceramics also called as 'China' as well.

Evolution in Writing Style:

While the Qin Alphabet is the Chinese unified alphabet, This is actually the "Archaic Style" of Mandarin Alphabet. So, nowadays Mandarin letters is so much different with the Qin Alphabet. The Qin Alphabet are much more like a pictograph. The simplification of the pictographic alphabet was established firstly in the late Han Dynasty, though; this doesn't instantly change "Qin Alphabet" into "Han Alphabet". It then be simplified more and more in the following Dynasties, from Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and finally by the government of The People's Republic of China. The alphabet then called as "Hanzi" or the "Chinese Characters" (We don't say alphabet here for Chinese letters is actually still a simplified pictographs).

The term "Hanzi", then applied in Japanese as "Kan-ji".Still, Westerners only recognized "Hanzi" as China Letters. So, we then saw the influenced of Han culture, as the writing style is called "Han-zi" or "Han Character" and the language used as "Han-yu" or "Han Language". This only recognized in China though, and since after The Silk Road closed, China was totally disconnected from the Western world till Marco Polo re-visit China, but that's at Yuan Dynasty.

The "Han-zi" and "Han-yu" is what nowadays called as "Mandarin Language and Writing Style". However, Chinese still addressed it as "Han", either 'Mandarin' or 'China' is recognized only outside China.

The Indonesian-Chinese:

The Chinese first enter Indonesia as "Tar-tar Armies", sent by Kubh-lai Khan to punish the insultment of King Kertanegara of Singosari. Tar-tar was actually a Mongolian Tribe, and then defeated by Raden Wijaya after he used them to defeat Jayakatwang. Part of the Mongolian soldiers, fear of Kubh-lai Khan's rage, refuse to return to Yuan, and stayed in Indonesia instead. However, long before, at Sriwijaya, Chinese Expeditioners such as I-Ching and Fa Hien also ever visited Sriwijaya.

The next migration of Chinese settler was due to the opening of "Gold Route". This is because of the expedition made by Admiral Zheng He of Ming Dynasty. Zheng He or Cheng Ho or Sam Po Kong brought Ming Culture to Indonesia, at the what remain of Sriwijaya and Majapahit. Zheng He also encourage the spread of Islam in Indonesia (so contrary to Historical Believe, the Gujarati and Arabian are not the only ones who bring Islam; first Islam was actually carried by Chinese Trader since Indonesian refused to deal with Arabian and Gujarati trader due to their dissatisfactory trade ware). At this time, Indonesian address them as "Ming", 'China' term was perhaps carried by previously Arabian or Turkish trader in Indonesian. Indonesia is the place where once again East meet West after Silk Road.

The European Colonization:

Portuguese is the first Christian Nation to visit China and Japan. The word 'Mandarin' come from "Mandarin Magistrate", a local Magistrate known in China, Vietnam, and Indochina, served as Ming Representative in Their Foreign Colony (Basically, Ming occupied Indochina, Malaya, Indonesia, Burma, Siam, and Ceylon; you must haven't known that, right?). While the name 'Japan' came from Chinese term 'Ri-ben-guo' or "The Nation of Rising Sun" or in other dialect is "Ci-Ban-Guo", then became "Ji-pan-gu" and The Portugese absorb it as "Japan".By European trader, later also visited Indonesia, the term 'China' was used once more. Chinese immigrants in Indonesia was previously dominated by Hokkien tribe, which move away to avoid Governmental oppression, that's why Hokkien language is quite dominant in Indonesia. Most of the Zheng He crew was also Hokkienese, but the large migration of Hokkienese perhaps during Qing Dynasty.

Dutch colonize the vast Indonesian by only small number of armies, that's why it's important for them for not letting any major rebellion breaks out at once. One of the way to ensure that is by policy of "Devide et Impera" or "Divide and Conquer". Using the diverse race of Indonesian, Dutch started to divide the races in groups so that they will be easier to maintain. Chinese Communities is the one that catch the eye of the Dutch most, why? Because it's the Chinese who actually speak louder about getting rid of the Dutch, long before National Movement.

The Chinese, contrary of people believe, has already taking part in battle against European since the very beginning. Chinese held the office in Demak Bintoro and Padjang Kingdom, even Sultan Fatah, Adipati Yunus, and Sultan Trenggana was actually Chinese. Demak also employed Chinese Admiral, Gan Ci An, to lead the Mighty Demak's Armada to attack Portuguese in Malaka. Few of Wali Songo was also Chinese too (but most people refuse to believe this fact). The relationship between Chinese and Native Indonesia is extremely well before The Dutch came and screwed up everything.

Even hundred years later, Dutch still consider Chinese as the most dangerous potential thread to their Administration in East Indies. That's why a lot of limitation was applied to tie the feet of Chinese Communities. Why? Because Chinese first oppose the Dutch Government long before Indonesian did. A Semarang people like me always knew what Chinese has done related to the effort of offending the Dutch. Oei Tiong Hiam is the first Chinese to oppose the act of Tauwchang (Tax for Chinese who not have the hair tail), and also reports of Chinese Rebellion here at Semarang. So, Chinese wasn't that bad.

The China Syndrome:

New Order simply succeeding the limitation policy applied by the Dutch, and doesn't let Chinese to assimilate with native. This perhaps what cause the 1998 China Riot. During the New Order, Chinese was simply didn't being let to show their cultural identity. This actually feed the seed of disharmonies among Chinese and Native: after 350 years of Dutch plus 32 Years of New Order. During that, the name 'Cina' was being despise by any Native. What a shame. This perhaps why 'Cina' is considered as Racist Terms, simply because native often use 'Cina' to taunt the Indonesian-Chinese (wew, we started this...)

Linguistically Review:

Anyway, enough with the historical review. So, the China come from Qin. But the Arabian call them the 'Shin', and this terms was brought to Indonesia, from Shin, then become Cin, but firstly Indonesian knew Chinese by "Ming" or "The Tionghoa People" (I don't need to explained where this terms came from, rite?). Dutch perhaps first introduce China, and in Indonesian absorb, become Cina. This perhaps come from the European terms "Sino". Only English use 'China' (Caina), while other European nation called China (Cina). But since English is an international language, that's why we followed this pronounciation (Perhaps it would be different if Germany won the WW II or French won the Napoleonic War).

The Chinese nowadays asked to be called by Tionghoa because the first Indonesian address them so. The main problem is, most of them now born in Indonesia, so they're not "Tionghoa" anymore. Cina is more appropriate term for it actually doesn't sided, plus it is based on Indonesian tongue. However, like what I have explained before, native used this as taunt: "Cina, balik aja ke Cina sono". So by call them 'Cina', it's the same like we don't acknowledge them as Indonesian (but Cina can also be used to refer the race, this is what most person don't know). But like I told you, all my Chinese friends address themselves as 'Cina'. So, anyway you please. If we want to be 'safe', use the terms 'Yinhua' instead, but this term is rarely known (very rarely).

China Discussion part I: China, Cina, or Tionghoa

The Disputed Words

Well, following our recent discussion about China and "Cina" (which is triggered by my novel), so I decided to do some research, and here it is:

China was previously ruled by Xia, Shang, and Zhou Dinasty. In this age, China mainland was divided, especially by vassalism applied by Zhou Dinasty.
At the end of Zhou, there are at least Six Kingdoms to rule over China. One kingdom, The Qin (read as Chin), will later strong enough to unified the divided vast mainland.

The actual terms, used by Chinese to call their nation was "Zhong Guo" or "Chung Kuo" or "Tiong Kok" (depends on which Chinese dialec we use; Indonesian-Chinese mostly influenced by Hokkien dialec of South China, so it wasn't Mandarin). Means "Central Kingdom". While the nationality of it is "Zhong Hua" or "Chung Hoa" or "Tiong Hwa".

'China' was first appeared to honour (or not?) the Qin Dinasty. Qin was firstly unified all Chinese land. Not only that, Qin also state a unified measurement, writing, letter, and language, which is now we called as "Mandarin". 'Qin' also addresed the supreme leader as an 'Emperor', not 'King' like previous Dinasties. This 'language of Qin' was then carried out by the Silk Road traders, and widely recognized by Western World (Including Arabian) as 'Chin' or 'China' (Arabian called it 'Shin'). But under the harsh ruler of 'Qin', the rebelion was widespread so that the Qin collapsed. However, the unification carried was not instantly fall apart, instead was preserved by later Han Dinasty.

The Han Dynasty is the most influential Dinasty of China, it's simply because Han creates 'Han Cultural Identity' (this to thank's to Qin) in all over China and through the ages. "Zhong Guo" was perhaps started in this era. It's not because Han Capital (Chang-an and later Luo-yang then back to Chang-an) was located "in the middle", but it's simply to differ it from the "other Guo" those are: "Dong Guo" (Eastern Nation=Japan), "Nan Guo" (Southern Nations=The Empire of Nanyue and Annam), "Shi Guo" (Western Nation=Persian Kingdoms of Wusun, Daxia, Daiyuan, and Dayuezhi), and "Bei Guo" (Northern Nations=The Mongol or Xiong-nu). The differentiate of Chinese dialect also perhaps occured during Han Dinasty.

While the influence of Han is so strong that even after hundreds of years later, the people still call themselves: Han People, Han Culture, Han Nation, and Han Language (for Mandarin). However, for Westerners, China is much more familiar. Han is then called Mandarin following terms used by the Portuguese after occupied Malay (Mandarin perhaps come from the Malay word: Mantrin or Menteri, Mandarin itself means "Magistrate").

After the liberation of China, following the fall of 'Qing', Chinese state themselves as "Republic of Tiongkok" or "Chung Min Chung Hua Mir Kuo" (this name still used to addres the Taipeh-China); which later, after Communist Revolution changed into "People's Republic of Tiongkok (Repoeblik Rakjat Tiongkok or RRT)" or "Zhong Hua Ren Min Gong Ghe Guo".
"People's Republic of China" then officially named at 1976 following language reformed which originaly meant to "simplify" the dialect to easier International World to spoke Chinese Terms. That's why some name changed such as Hang Chow into Guangzhou, and Peking into Beijing.

Indonesian, following original dialec, naturally said "Cina". "China" was named after the English influenced Bahasa Indonesia, but it's not a legal terms, since Indonesia never knew "Ch". Following "China Outburst" at 1998, "Cina" then considered as a "racist terms" (Wonder who state this?), so The Indonesian-Chinese asked to be called as Tionghoa instead, but this is incorrect, since Tionghoa means "Chinese Nationality" or "Chinesemen in China". The word "Cina" was actually more appropriate, just like we said "Jawa" or "Sunda" or any Indonesia race.

Metro perhaps then take the middle way to use "China" for the country (RRC) and "Tionghoa" for the race (Indonesian-Chinese). Actually, the right term for Indonesian-Chinese (if you must to) is "Yin-hua" comes from the word "Yinni Hua" (Yinni is Chinese terms for Indonesia), which means "Chinese in Indonesia". Or, we just said "Cina", for "Cina" itself, aside to reffer the country also refer to the people. Like "Han Country" and "Han People". Just as we said "Java" and "Javan".
My Chinese neighbours also reffer themselves as "Cina" and never of "Tionghoa", so I conclude that actually, it is "Cina" the best terms.

Here in Semarang, we never bother about the term "Cina" for this terms is much widely used by communities. Tionghoa is perhaps just a pers terms to "soften" Cina, which gain a bad name after "The China Syndrome" post 1998.

So, we can conclude this way.

"Cina" used in Bahasa to refer both "RRC" and Chinese people.

"China" is international terms to refer the "RRC" (but this could easily mistakes with 'ceramic'), however to avoid any misperception, it is better if we said "Republik Rakyat China" instead.

"Tionghoa" should be used only to refer the RRC-Chinese, but here used to "soften" the racist terms. But Tionghoa is not just about people, but also everything related to China.

"Tiongkok" is the official name of RRC, but we also can refer it to call the Chinese Mainland.

"Mandarin" is the name we used to call "the language", although it's also can be refer to the people, country, and culture. But in brief we can also call "Bahasa Cina" instead. However, we must remember that "Mandarin" is just one of the Chinese official language, the other was Cantonese, The Hokkien, and language used by Border Tribe such as in Uighur, Manchuria, or Nei Monggol.

China has 5 dominant tribe, and each has their own language. The Han is the largest tribe of all, so The Han Language is become official Language of China.

Indonesia known two type of Chinese Languages, that is The Mandarin and The Hokkienese. While Mandarins is the one who being taught in official educational-institutions; the Hokkienese was commonly used as conversational language in most of the Indonesian-Chinese Communities, such as in Semarang or Singkawang. One of the noted differences is the way we say "Thank you" that is "Dou Xie" or "Xie Xie" in Mandarin, and "Kam Xia" in Hokkienese.

"Yin-hua" is the appropriate term to call "Indonesian-Chinese", but it's not widely used.

Chinese is actually dislike to be called as "China", why? because of the harsh Qin rules. They much prefer to be called as "Han" or "Mandarin".

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

News Anchor Cewek Terfavorit:
Arrivederci Chantal
(original from fsblog)

Perginya Nyanyian dari Kerajaan

AKhir-akhir ini ada perkembangan yang cukup menyedihkan (buat saya sih menyedihkan), yaitu perginya Chantal della Concetta dari MetroTV ke RCTi. Kenapa ya? Apa ada sesuatu yang ditawarkan oleh RCTI yang tidak bisa Chantal dapatkan di Metro? Anyhow, cukup menyedihkan juga padahal baru-baru ini saya dkk sudah senang soalnya Eva Yunizar mau pindah dari SCTV ke MetroTV.
Saya jadi ingat perkataan PK Ojong dalam bukunya "Perang Eropa", kurang lebih seperti ini: "Dua hari lalu, Hitler sungguh bahagia ketika Hood berhasil tenggelam, kini (dengan tenggelamnya Bismacrk) kesedihan ganti melanda seluruh Jerman". Kedatangan Eva saya ibaratkan sebagai "Tenggelamnya HMS Hood", sedangkan kepergian Chantal adalah "Tenggelamnya Bismarck".

Kenapa Chantal?

Terus terang saja, Chantal bukanlah salah satu dari top5 anchor favorite saya. Meskipun begitu saya menyukai Chantal karena beliau memiliki skill dan kemampuan yang unik dan tidak biasa. Dari 30-an anchor yang dimiliki Metro, Chantal tergolong anchor yang paling lengkap. Memang mungkin dia tidak segarang Najwa Shihab atau Meutya Hafid ketika "membantai" orang, tidak juga memiliki kemampuan bahasa sehebat Kania Sutisnawinata maupun Zelda Savitri.
Kemampuan lengkap yang saya maksudkan di sini adalah bahwa Chantal ahli dalam memegang beberapa kategori ini: Membacakan Berita, Menterjemahkan Display, Skill Wawancara Narasumber, Manajemen Durasi, juga (ini yang paling penting) Skill Wawancara Commoner. Terus terang untuk skill wawancara commoner (wawancara dengan warga biasa, jadi bukan narasumber ahli), jarang ada anchor yang bisa, biar itu yang basisnya dari Reporter sekalipun.
Pada Metro, ada beberapa acara yang bisa dijadikan tolok ukur diversifikasi skill, yaitu: Headline News, Metro Hari Ini, Sport Corner, Special Dialogue/Todays Dialogue/Public Corner, dan Suara Anda. Dan yang membuat Chantal unik adalah bahwa Chantal pernah mengalami di semua program ini. Apabila hendak dirunut siapa lagi, maka satu-satunya anchor yang bisa menyamai hanyalah Frida Lidwina. Sayangnya skill Frida Lidwina masih agak lemah dalam hal Manajemen Durasi.

Saya ingat dahulu Chantal juga memiliki kelemahan seperti halnya yang dimiliki oleh Frida, tapi setelah Chantal biasa di Suara Anda, tiba-tiba saja dia seperti anak panah melesat dari busurnya, dan dalam sekejap "menguasai" program Suara Anda ini.

Chantal dan Suara Anda

Dari semua program, mungkin hanya Suara Anda yang "betul-betul menderita" akibat kepergian Chantal. Sudah beberapa anchor mencoba mengisi kekosongan ini, tapi tetap tidak ada yang sesempurna Chantal. Bahkan Virgie Baker dan Rahma Sarita yang notabene merupakan "mantan penguasa" program ini pun tidak bisa menjadikan Suara Anda seperti sebagaimana ketika masih ada Chantal. Apa sih sebenarnya kehebatan Chantal dibandingkan dengan semua anchor di atas?
Pertama kali, Chantal itu orangnya keibuan sekali, dan naluri itu terbawa bahkan hingga ke Suara Anda. Chantal selalu menganggap semua penelpon tidaklah seperti "orang biasa", melainkan seperti "seorang anak yang hendak mengadu pada Ibunya", dan Chantal lah "ibu si anak tersebut". Kedua, Chantal tidak pernah terikat pada teks, dia biarkan saja masing-masing berpendapat menurut bahasa mereka sendiri, dan Chantal juga selalu mendengarkannya dengan amat sabar. Selain itu, Chantal juga tidak pernah memberikan penilaian atau men-judge apakah pendapat orang tersebut betul atau salah. Chantal juga selalu go with the flow, dia seolah-olah tahu kemana pembicaraan seseorang dan dia selalu bisa mengimbanginya. Memang terkadang terlihat tidak tegas, akan tetapi berbicara dengan Chantal bisa menjadi sebuah kedamaian tersendiri, cita-cita yang tampaknya tidak bakal bisa terwujud untuk saya.
Lalu, apa kelemahan masing-masing pengganti Chantal? Ada beberapa anchor yang mencoba menggantikan Chantal di Suara Anda, yaitu Virgie Baker, Rahma Sarita, Fifi Aleyda Yahya, Meutya Hafid, Frida Lidwina, dan Prita Laura.

Rahma Sarita itu orang dialog, dia adalah (menurut saya) predator terbaik Metro setelah Najwa Shihab dan Meutya Hafid. Sayangnya orangnya agak "mbregudul", keras kepala. Apabila ada penelepon yang pendapatnya dianggap tidak sreg dengannya, maka pasti langsung di-cut, itu masih mending, jangan-jangan bisa diajak berantem dulu.

Virgie Baker orangnya sebenarnya baik, tidak terlalu menuntut seperti Rahma, sayangnya dia agak kaku, konservatif. Apabila digariskan seperti ini ya harus seperti ini. Jeleknya lagi, Virgie memiliki kecenderungan untuk "mengarahkan" pendapat para penelepon, paling parah lagi dia sering juga menjawab pertanyaannya sendiri sehingga penelepon seolah-olah tidak bebas untuk berpendapat.

Fifi Aleyda Yahya malah paling parah di antara semuanya. Dari semua anchor yang berdebut di Suara Anda, Fifi lah yang mendapat debut terburuk. Di sana Fifi betul-betul terlihat seperti amatiran, seolah-olah pengalaman bertahun-tahun selama ini lenyap begitu saja di pangkal telepon Suara Anda. Fifi gagal, bukan dari segi skill atau teknik, tapi dari mental.

Meutya Hafid dan Prita Laura sedikit lebih beruntung, sayangnya pada debut mereka, mereka lebih sering bermain aman. Tidak ada hal-hal khusus yang dilakukan, tidak ada. Prita Laura sendiri bahkan hampir terpancing untuk "menginterogasi" penelepon, seolah-olah mereka narasumber berita atau apa. Yang paling mendekati adalah Frida Lidwina, dia cukup lancar menangani para penelepon, mungkin ini hasil "bertapa" di Sport Corner (nggak ada hubungannya, ya?). Cuma Manajemen Durasi-nya masih lemah, tapi seharusnya jika dia dipasang lebih sering, skill ini pasti akan meningkat dengan sendirinya. Apalagi Frida tergolong ramah dan memiliki mimik wajah yang menyenangkan.

Chantal = Claude Makelele?

Selepas Chantal pergi, maka Metro sedikit limbung, tapi mungkin ini bukan semata-mata karena Chantal. Anchor Metro sudah banyak yang "menghilang", dan Chantal hanyalah "fatal blow" dari semuanya. Ibaratnya istilah di Ayodance Audition, Finish Move. Ini jadi mengingatkan saya ketika Real Madrid ditinggal oleh Claude Makelele yang pindah ke Chelsea. Claude Makelele bukanlah pemain dengan kebintangan yang mentereng, dia pindahan dari klub menengah Spanyol, Celta Vigo; bahkan pengganti Makelele pun lebih mendunia, yaitu Zinedine Zidane dan David Beckham.

Akan tetapi setelah musim kompetisi berjalan, baru ketahuan bahwa kepergian Makelele ternyata berdampak amat besar. Posisi gelandang bertahan yang biasanya rapat dijaga oleh Makelele kini terbuka dan menjadi titik lemah Madrid. Tapi ini juga bukan sepenuhnya karena Makelele, gelandang bertahan Madrid yang lain yaitu Ivan Helguera tidak bisa mengisi posisi itu karena dia harus mengisi posisi bek tengah yang ditinggalkan oleh Fernando Hierro. Walaupun memiliki bintang-bintang semacam Ronaldo, Raul Gonzales, David Beckham, dan Zinedine Zidane sekalipun, ternyata tanpa Makelele yang bisa menyatukan orkestrasi permainan Madrid, maka Madrid pun limbung.

Chantal bagaikan Makelele, dan MetroTV adalah Madrid. Selama ini dalam hal berita televisi, MetroTV telah tumbuh menjadi Los Galacticos baru menggantikan RCTI dan SCTV yang telah establish sebelumnya. Popularitas MetroTV bahkan naik lebih cepat daripada ketika RCTI dan SCTV merintis program berita mereka. Apakah lalu MetroTV sedang dalam krisis? Bisa jadi, tapi bisa jadi juga tidak. Wianda Pusponegoro masih pergi, dan begitu pula dengan Zelda Savitri. Selepas kehadiran mereka apakah lalu Metro bakal normal kembali? Mungkin saja. Tapi setelah Alessandro del Piero pulih dari cederanya, Juventus juga tidak langsung menjadi juara, kan?

Setelah Chantal

Keputusan MetroTV melepaskan Chantal mungkin saja salah, tapi ini belum bisa dipastikan. MetroTV lalu kekurangan anchor, itu jelas. Seharusnya ini menjadi kesempatan bagi MetroTV untuk lebih memaksimalkan anchor-anchor lini kedua mereka yang selama ini "terpinggirkan" oleh nama-nama besar di starting line-up. Lucia Saharui dan Elvita Khairani saya pikir sudah cukup mampu untuk menghandle berita-berita yang lebih penting. Skill Dian Krishna juga bisa lebih dimanfaatkan, apalagi tata bahasa asingnya adalah salah satu yang paling top di MetroTV; begitu pula dengan Frida Lidwina, pemain serbabisa, Kaka-nya MetroTV. Ralph Tampubolon pun juga bisa dipindah dari malam hari untuk memegang primetime. Tambah lagi kini Eva Julianti sudah masuk ke MetroTV, ibarat Madrid membeli Emerson Ferreira; apabila dimanfaatkan dengan baik, bukan tidak mungkin kepergian Chantal bisa cepat dilupakan. Beberapa reporter semacam Bertha Sekunda, Lucky Savitri, dan Amanda Manuputty pun kiranya juga sudah bisa untuk dinaikkan ke posisi presenter.
Tinggal sekarang bagaimana peran Andy F Noya sebagai "Rafael Benitez" dan Surya Paloh sebagai "Roman Abramovich" MetroTV untuk memaksimalkan semua potensi yang saat ini dimiliki oleh MetroTV yang saya yakin membuat iri semua TV lain.

Kenapa Chantal Pergi?

Ini adalah pertanyaan terakhir yang layak sekali untuk ditanyakan. Jawaban pastinya memang hanya Chantal sendiri yang tahu, tapi Chantal merintis langkah dari MetroTV, dan MetroTV pula yang membesarkan namanya, mirip seperti Alessandro Nesta yang memulai karier di Lazio tapi lalu pindah ke AC Milan. Sehingga dari segi emosional, Chantal pasti terikat dengan MetroTV dan butuh alasan yang sangat kuat untuk membuatnya pindah.
Lalu kalau begitu, adakah sesuatu yang tengah Chantal cari? Adakah yang bisa RCTI berikan yang tidak bisa Metro beri? Atau adakah sesuatu yang salah pada Metro? Ini tidak bisa diketahui, dan dalam dunia profesionalisme, apapun bisa saja terjadi. Hanya saja, menarik untuk disimak adalah perkataan Fauziah Erwin yang pernah diucapkan pada saya beberapa waktu lalu:

"terimakasih utk apresiasi ama dukungannya.Daripada jadi "tukang baca" headline news mending mas doain sy spy jd produser sekaligus pemandu program yg menghadirkan penentu-penentu kebijakan (sampai sekarang) di negeri ini seperti soeharto cs,o.k bos...."

Alasan sebenarnya biarlah hanya Chantal sendiri yang tahu, dan apapun itu semoga itu adalah yang terbaik, setidaknya buat Chantal pribadi. Selamat jalan, Chantal, semoga anda mendapatkan apa yang anda cari di tempat anda yang baru, dan kami akan selalu mendoakan semoga anda selalu sukses, karena cinta itu sebenarnya tidak mengenal tempat dan waktu.
Arrivederci, semoga di suatu saat jalan kita akan bertemu kembali.

(Andrade_Silva Mandaluniz Aizkarte)